Everything you need to know about getting married in Greece

Holding a wedding ceremony in Greece is very popular today and has gained many fans among young people. You must know that by getting married in Greece, you can get its citizenship and live there easily. Of course, this is possible if you marry a Greek person, and in such a situation, you must prove the reality of your marital relationship so that the Greek country grants you citizenship and permanent residence. Otherwise, you may be sent back to your country and even fined. If you are also eager to get complete information about the conditions of immigration to Greece and types of marriage in Greece, stay with us until the end of this article.

Conditions for immigration to Greece through marriage

Considering that Greece is one of the best countries for life, job and prosperity, people try to get permanent migration to Greece and make a good life for their future. Marriage through Greek citizenship can make immigration and permanent residence possible for any non-Greek person. But note that the marriage that is performed must be checked from the point of view of Greece and its residents and it must be proven that it is real and not a trick.
One of the most important conditions for immigrating to Greece through marriage is that the couple have children after marriage. Another condition is that they live together for three consecutive years to prove that these two people got married with love and commitment to each other and that this marriage was not just for the sake of getting permanent residency in Greece.

Types of marriage in Greece

In general, marriage takes place in three forms, and these three examples of marriage have been determined through research and investigations. In fact, the Greek government has divided marriage in Greece into three parts, which include the following:

● Fake marriage
● Symbolic marriage
● Formal marriage

Each of these types of marriages has specific terms and conditions that can have a direct impact on people’s lives in Greece. It is better to know the exact concept and process of each of the mentioned marriages in order to know how to prepare for immigration and marriage in Greece. The documents required for marriage are as described in the following table:

Birth Certificate*
Social Security Code*
Greek Spouse ID Card*
16 euro residence request payment slip
Copy of the first page of the passport*
The last tax payment slip according to the fees determined by the tax office
Insurance coverage certificate*
4 passport size photos*
Official marriage certificate*
Certificate of residence status from spouses*
House purchase or rental certificate*

* no fee

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Fake marriage in Greece

We recommend that you seriously avoid the fake marriage method in Greece. Because fake marriage in Greece is completely against the law and may have inappropriate consequences for you. A formal marriage is actually a marriage through which a non-Greek person obtains permanent residency in Greece through his Greek spouse and separates from his spouse after permanent residency is issued to him. Basically, people enter into formal marriages in order to reach their goal, which is to achieve permanent residence in Greece. Even though some people know that this method is completely illegal, they still do it.

Symbolic marriage in Greece

If you want to record your wedding day in the most beautiful way possible and enjoy the beautiful beaches of Greece, choose a symbolic wedding in Greece. In symbolic marriage, people try to hold the ceremony on the beautiful beaches of Greece just to make their wedding clip and photos more beautiful. Celebration of luxury and fireworks and all the necessary preparations for a symbolic wedding in Greece are fully provided. But note that a symbolic marriage in Greece is only possible with a temporary visa for a couple who have already been officially married in their country. In this context, no permanent or temporary immigration or permanent visa is issued and the couple returns to their country after the wedding ceremony.

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Official marriage in Greece

If you want to officially marry in Greece, you must submit official and legal documents and documents based on the reality of your relationship with your spouse and register your marriage. An official marriage means that you will marry a Greek wife and receive permanent residence and citizenship in Greece. In this type of marriage, you live with your spouse for years with mutual commitment and enjoy being by his side.

Getting a Greek visa by getting married in Greece

Due to the fact that this country is European, the visa of Greece is included in the Schengen visa and is issued in two types, short-term and long-term. You can get a Greek marriage visa by getting married in Greece and get permanent residence and citizenship. Also note that despite having a wife and children anywhere in the world, you can still continue to live in this country with a Greek visa.

Necessary documents to immigrate to Greece through marriage

To immigrate to Greece through marriage, you must send the necessary documents to the Greek government and get a permanent visa. The documents required to immigrate to Greece through marriage include the items in the table below.

Official marriage certificate registered in Greece
Greek spouse ID card
The visa application form

Of course, the form containing the visa application is subject to a fee. This form must be filled completely and accurately with your and your spouse’s information. Note that in order to get an immigration visa to Greece through marriage, you have to pay a fee in Euros.

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Conditions for obtaining residence through marriage in Greece

Getting a permanent residence in Greece through marriage is a very wise and effective thing, and it is not possible for you to do such an action and not be granted a permanent residence in Greece. Of course, in this direction, you must consider different conditions and apply them in your marriage process. One of the most important conditions for obtaining residence through marriage in Greece is to prove the mutual commitment of the husband and wife to each other and the genuineness of this relationship. The government must make sure that you will not divorce or separate from your spouse after obtaining residency. In this case, you must have lived with your spouse for at least three years or have a child from him to be able to get residence; In this case, the Greek government will grant you 5-10 years of residence and citizenship, although this period can be extended.

Holding a wedding ceremony in Greece

You can apply for a wedding ceremony in Greece whenever you want. It doesn’t matter what your goal is to get married in Greece, in any case, holding a ceremony is possible and feasible. But you can kill two birds with one stone and get permanent residence in this country by marrying a Greek wife and experience a comfortable and peaceful life in Greece. As you know, Greece is one of the best countries to work and live in and is considered one of the best regions in terms of climate.
In case of holding a wedding ceremony in Greece, the couple must submit documents to be allowed to hold the ceremony. These documents include a valid passport and a valid residence permit if possible, the applicant’s birth certificate with a Greek translation, in case of marriage, each couple must provide a certificate of divorce or death of their ex-spouse, a marriage application form and payment invoice, a certificate of unimpeded marriage with Translated into English or Greek, they must provide each of these documents to the Greek government in a completely accurate manner.

Greek unobstructed marriage certificate

All foreign nationals must go to the Greek consulate in their country to obtain a marriage certificate without hindrance in Greece and testify that they are applying for marriage with the desired person. That is, people must state and testify that they are applying for marriage, and the consulate will also issue a certificate of your eligibility for marriage and will hand it over to you under the title of marriage certificate. This certificate will be issued and presented to you after a few days of the certificate request. After receiving it, you can send it along with the complete documents to immigrate to Greece or hold a wedding ceremony.

Financial resources required to immigrate to Greece through marriage

When you want to immigrate to Greece, you must provide the required Greek financial ability certificate along with other documents to obtain a visa. Also note that receiving a certificate of financial ability for a Greek spouse must be at least 2000 euros per month. This amount should be increased by 20% for the wife and 15% for each child. The Greek government will grant you residency and citizenship only if you have a proof of financial ability.

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Considering that life in Greece can be quite ideal with a good job and excellent income and complete well-being, there are many people who want to obtain permanent residence and citizenship of this country. If you are one of these people, we suggest that you find the best way to get Greek immigration and permanent residence by marrying a Greek spouse. To obtain a permanent residence in Greece, it is better to prepare the necessary documents and present your conditions accurately so that the Greek government will issue your residence as soon as possible and from now on you can easily continue your life in Greece. The experts of Golden Investment Immigration Institute will also be your advisors.

This article was prepared in the editorial office of Golden Investment magazine and its use for non-commercial purposes will be unimpeded.

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