Greek Residence, Review of Receipt of Residence and Acquisition of Residence in Greece


Migrating to Greece in a word is one of the most affordable options for anyone to immigrate and live in a secondary country. Interested parties may choose to migrate to this country based on their circumstances. These can be work, education, social, or a series of specific methods. Greece is one of the cheapest countries in Europe and with its beautiful and eye-catching nature, it can be a quiet place to get on with your life. This can certainly be exciting for people experiencing certain living conditions in Iran.

A country like Greece can be your springboard to immigrate to developed and developing countries. If, at the moment, it is not possible for you to obtain residence and citizenship in top European countries, you can consider obtaining a Greek Guarantee Visa. We will continue to review a series of global statistics and conditions registered until 2023 to get Greece residency and guide you fully. As in other countries, one of the easiest and best ways to obtain residency in this country is to buy a property worth 250,000 euros. This applies to immigration to other countries in varying amounts and will hurt you if you have enough funding. Join us below.


Examining Immigration Methods to Greece


You may be interested to know that officially, there are at least 6 ways to get a Greek Guarantee Visa. You know a lot of these methods and may have walked for them in the past. These methods may be difficult or easy to classify depending on the living conditions of each person in Iran. We’re not going to list a specific method as the best option, and the reason is pretty obvious. Migrating through work or study is always one of the first options that people can consider. Most of us have been thinking about Apply since high school and more fully in our undergraduate course.

We may even choose a career and career that will eventually lead us to immigrate. Different countries require skilled labor, and if you are able to specialize in areas of interest to Greek employers, your chances of getting permission to migrate to Greece are also high. If you come from a family with a high financial background, you can think about how to invest or buy property in Greece. Immigration through marriage to a Greek also exists on paper, which is, of course, one of the most difficult immigration methods. Tourist visas are another way to get a stay in this country that we will talk more about later.


Examining Greece’s Migration Method with 7 Different Methods

  • Greece stays at work
  • Immigrate to Greece via education
  • Residency by investment in Greece
  • tourist visa no, I’m working.
  • Staying in Greece through the birth of a child
  • Immigrate to Greece by marriage
  • Immigrating to Greece through Asylum

Acquiring Greek Residence by Work


If you are not interested in pursuing higher education, you can consider obtaining a job in this country. Given that Greece has not yet fully recovered after its economic recession, it also has a high unemployment rate. This makes it a priority to work with people who belong to this country. Therefore, it will be very difficult for a person living outside the EU to obtain a residence through work. Employers in this country rarely accept foreign workers, which is why immigration experts do not recommend Greek residency through work.

The most convenient way to get a Greek work visa is to set up a personal business in this country. If you have a personal business, you can implement it in this country and get residency in this way. Even if you can hire workers from this country in your company or business, your conditions will be much better for obtaining a Greek residency. Labor migration is suitable for countries with lower unemployment rates. Given the need for these countries in the workforce, outsiders will certainly also have a better chance of getting hired.


Be sure to read: Get to know Greece more by migrating to work


Ways to immigrate to Greece with education


Education can be considered as one of the first ways to immigrate to Greece. Where you can work on it from a young age and apply for an apple to Greece on time. Greece is among the most comfortable countries in Europe in terms of the chance of obtaining an academic residency, and you will have a better chance than countries with top universities. If you are looking to immigrate to Greece through education, you must first correspond with one of the higher education institutions in Greece and apply for an apple. To this end, you should choose your field of study appropriate to the university in question and then deposit your full course tuition in the same basic semester.

The university in question must be aware of your financial allocation for studying in this country. Therefore, you must provide the necessary documentation. If you are successful in this, you will be granted one year of residence and will be able to renew it every year, just like in other countries. Since your degree is awarded by the Ministry of Science in Iran, you must choose a university to study at. Don’t forget the scholarship, either. If you are a student and gifted student, you are sure to have easier conditions to immigrate to Greece through your studies with your academic resume.



Immigration conditions to Greece in terms of investment


If you work as a cashier or your job involves investment, check the conditions for immigration to Greece through an investment. You have the chance to open an account with one of the banks in this country and deposit €400,000. Alongside this simple procedure, you can also purchase €800,000 in bonds from the country’s central bank, thereby obtaining residency. These are not the only procedures available and you can enter into a ten-year contract with the tourist institutions of this country and invest €400,000 in them.

This practice will also apply to hotels on the contracting party. Investing €400,000 in real estate is part of the law, and of course you can raise your investment and set up a real business in this country. As we said at the beginning of the article, it is also possible to immigrate to Greece by buying a property worth at least 250,000 euros. This property will provide you with direct residence in Greece. Investing is one of the ways to immigrate to Greece, which will insure you in addition to obtaining residency, in terms of employment and continuing to live in the country.


Be sure to read: Complete list of jobs Greece needs


Most Comfortable Residence Conditions in Greece


When it comes to reviewing the conditions of residence in Greece, money comes first. If you or your family have a high financial support, you will not have to worry about being allowed to immigrate to Greece. You can easily get your permanent residence with the help of opening an account and purchasing a property in this country and living permanently on the territory of this country. You will be provided with a Greek Guarantee Visa through an investment, and this will provide you with several benefits, which we will discuss below.


Possibility of living freely in one of the Schengen area countries

No need to renew your residence permit in Greece

Not required to have a degree in English and Greek at any of the stages of obtaining residency

The possibility of using health insurance and extending it to other Schengen area countries

Fast transit and the possibility to travel to this country as soon as possible


It is very clear that with financial support, you can allow property in this country and easily pay the cost of entering European territory and your insurance. One of the simplest conditions is to immigrate to Greece, and you can do so without having to work or study. Of course, financial austerity has not been an issue of choice 90% of the time, and if you have the chance of being in a family with a high financial austerity, be sure to consider obtaining a Greek Guarantee Visa.


Greek Tourist Guarantee Visa


To visit Greece as a tourist, you must obtain a Greek Schengen visa. Moving to Greece to travel and spend leisure time can be a great choice for a few reasons. Greece is a green country in the heart of Europe with many historical and tourist attractions. Greece was a great empire in antiquity and so there is a rich history behind it. If you are interested in this history and would like to be closely associated with this date, you can check the conditions for staying in Greece with the help of a tourist visa.

This type of visa gives you a three-month residence permit and you are only allowed to use it within 6 months. One of the reasons for obtaining a Greek Schengen visa is the same and applies to tourist travel. In order to obtain a Schengen visa in this country, it is important to consult with experts. Because many people, without knowing it, did not prepare the required documents to get this visa, and are initially booked. In the meantime, try to get this visa three months in advance so you can get it on time. The tourist visa is temporary and will not hurt you much if you are looking for ways to immigrate to Greece permanently.


Immigrate to Greece through the birth of a child


One way to immigrate to Greece is to be born in this country. Globally, there are two main ways of granting citizenship: the origin of blood and the origin of soil. Greece has implemented its citizenship laws based on the principle of blood. This means that if a person’s father or mother has Greek citizenship, the person also acquires Greek citizenship from birth. One thing worth noting about Greek citizenship laws is that even if the person’s grandparents or grandparents are Greek citizens, they can apply for residency in Greece. In other words, if the person has Greek citizenship three generations ago, they can apply for Greek citizenship. These laws are unique compared to other countries and reflect the greater ease of granting citizenship based on the principle of blood in Greece.


Instant Greek Visa Requirements


In order to qualify for an instant Greek visa, you must be familiar with the rules and prepare them one by one as soon as possible. Some of these requirements are general and others will vary depending on the type of visa you want to obtain. Applicants seeking to obtain a passport in this country in addition to obtaining a temporary residence permit must be at least 18 years old and not have had a criminal record for at least the last ten years. Along with that, the lack of supremacy in the field of deportation from the country is also required. You must have been a temporary resident of Greece for at least 7 years before you can apply for a permanent Greek passport.

Of course, a seven-year temporary stay can be reduced to three years with a series of special conditions. People who are proficient in Greek and have at least one legal residence in Greece in the past may apply for Greek citizenship for only three years instead of seven years. The more familiar you are with the economic and social living conditions of this country, the higher your chances of getting a passport. Marrying a Greek and continuing work activity in this country will bring you closer to acquiring citizenship of this country than ever before. The PanHellenic test is held twice a year, where you must score at least 80%.


Introducing Instant Greek Visa Application Documents


You will need a series of documents to immigrate to Greece and obtain a residence permit. The documents we present hereafter must be handed over to the Greek Migration Agency for review. So be sure to take note of these documents and supply them one by one:


  • Title page
  • Two pieces of three-by-four photos
  • Visa Certificate
  • Temporary Residence Certificate
  • Valid Passport Certificate
  • Health insurance from a reputable organization
  • Obtaining a Greek Country Health Certificate
  • Greek Certificate of Payment of Tax Fees


To provide the aforementioned evidence, it is best to use a trusted lawyer and get his or her expert opinion. Your documents must be translated into Greek and submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency. Keep in mind that Greek medical insurance involves a series of tests, all costs of which will be borne by you.


Advice and Immigration Lawyer to Greece


Greece is known as one of the top immigration destinations for citizens of our country. As a member of the European Union, the laws of the Union apply to individuals and companies in this country. Obtaining a residence in Greece may be through setting up a business, investing in local companies or buying a property. The Greek housing market is growing and many foreign investors are investing in real estate through immigration programs. The process of immigration and obtaining residency is one in which it is important to know the complex rules. Also, when purchasing a property, consideration should be given to the type and ancillary costs. Therefore, the path to migration and residence in Greece requires knowledge of diverse laws and benefit from the experience of professional advisers. Contacting Golden Investment experts or requesting contact to benefit from a free initial consultation is recommended for Greek residency advice.


Migration Fee to Greece


Living in any country entails a series of costs. Greece is also one of the countries of the European Union and the official currency of the euro has been adopted. Aswe said at the beginning, Greece is a cheaper country than other European countries and the cost of moving to Greece will be low. Food in this country is imported with taxes, but in a region like Rhodes, there is no tax import and this cost is greatly reduced. A family of four in Greece needs 2,500 euros per month to live comfortably in the country. This fee is exclusive of the rental of the property and its costs.

Depending on the area you choose to rent in Athens, Greece, you will have to pay between €1,000 and €3,000 per month. One-bedroom apartments are the least expensive and, of course, only suitable for one to two people. Energy costs are €100 per person per month and you will need to pay around €180 for health and medical services. Entertainment activities will cost between €300 and €400, depending on each person’s lifestyle. Greece also has advantages and disadvantages that you will experience in a relatively advanced European country. We’ll go over these further.


Be sure to read: Cost of Living in Greece and Guide to Living in Greece


Advantages and disadvantages of living in Greece


Greece is a European country where the low cost of living in the country’s cities is definitely a plus. Fans have multiple options for renting a house in this country, and depending on your budget, you can go to them. The Greek people are calm and intimate, and you will certainly not have any particular problems in this country because of being Iranian. Greece has a mild and lovely climate and you will enjoy it on all days of the year. Greece’s security is also high and its neighboring countries have a very good socio-economic connection to the country.

Greece is both optimal in terms of health and treatment costs than other European countries. These cases lead to high demand for migration to Greece among Iranians. Of course, we should also mention the disadvantages of this country. Greece is a country with a high unemployment rate and a foreigner can hardly find a job in this country. Knowledge of Greek is a requirement in this country more than English, and the people of this country are not very polite. Tourist areas in Greece are still very expensive and you will understand these high fees even more if you have traveled to this country just to take advantage of tourist attractions.


Asylum and Earnings Survey


Asylum in Greece is considered, among other ways, to immigrate to Greece. This procedure requires approval and you can continue to apply for citizenship in this country. You will still need to enter Greece in this way and must have been staying in Greece for three months. Your asylum verification process is complex and difficult, and many points need to be reviewed. Unlike in the past, the process of reviewing people’s asylum applications is progressing very slowly. While the person concerned is allowed to stay in the country until their application is processed, reception centers are experiencing difficult circumstances and you need to get used to it.


Getting Greek Residence by Marriage


Similar to other countries, you can experience migration to Greece by marrying a person who is a Greek citizen. Of course, this is not possible in a virtual way, and you must have temporary or permanent residence and legal presence in the country beforehand. You can also come to this country and complete the process of getting married if you have a Schengen visa. After getting married, you can submit your residence application by holding a copy of your passport next to your visa or residence card. The child resulting from this marriage is also easily a Greek citizen.


Do you know Golden Greece Visa?


The Golden Visa for Greece program, with numerous benefits, offers unique opportunities to obtain residency, which we will discuss below:


  1. People using this program come under the auspices of the Greek government.


  1. Allows quick and visa-free access to 26 different countries.


  1. It is possible to obtain Greek citizenship and passport.


  1. Travel to the Member States of the Schengen area as well as the United Kingdom is possible without restrictions.


  1. It is possible to receive accommodation within only 2 months.


  1. Greek citizens can have the right to live and work in the 34 member states of the European Union.


  1. Access to free or low-cost education in Greek schools and universities for residents and citizens.


  1. Living in a safe environment with a pleasant Mediterranean climate.


  1. The possibility of opening bank accounts in Greece.


  1. Opportunity to accompany family members (spouse and children under 21).


  1. Children under the age of 18 are able to extend their stay until the age of 21 after they have received accommodation.


Be sure to read: Full Review of Marriage Conditions in Greece




In this article, we tried to review the conditions for obtaining an instant Greek visa in order to immigrate to Greece and provide you with all the solutions. Depending on your circumstances and those of your family, you can use one of these methods and have the chance to live in the beautiful country of Greece. The conditions to migrate to Greece with the Golden Institution of Migration are much easier than in other European countries, and the cost of living in this country is also lower. So, you have a good reason to choose Greece for immigration and you will surely live a quiet life with prosperity in this country.

Read more

By immigrating to Greece, you can:

Stay in one of the cheapest countries in Europe and enjoy the experience of living in a beautiful, breathtaking nature and quiet locale to continue your life. This would be great for people interested in a quiet life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to immigrate to Greece?
What do we have to pay to immigrate to Greece?
What is it like to be a permanent resident of Greece?