Investment in Greece:

One way you can think of to immigrate to Greece is by investing in Greece. Investing can have multiple aspects that you are required to choose from depending on your circumstances. Investing will not only be good for you, but it will also be a gateway to immigration and getting a passport to this country. First, you need to define your business goals. Activities in different areas also have different capital modes. Investing in energy, agriculture and even global trade services is possible in Greece and provides good conditions for you.

Greece is one of the exporting countries in terms of agriculture and attaches great importance to food supply. You can also be active in this field and take responsibility for this in a traditional or modern way. You can direct your investment towards solar or wind energy. Greece has put a lot of focus on these things because of the aristocracy that will one day run out of fossil energy, and you can also have good activities in this area. Greece is an active country in the field of tourism, and like Turkey, activists and investors in this field can make good profits.

Regardless of the field you intend to invest in, you can first measure the conditions and then take action in different ways. You can get help from institutions that have years of experience in this area and can help you. Immigrating to Greece by investment is one of the ways in which people with high financial means can think about it. Greece’s stay with the investment was possible much earlier than you might think, and is usually simpler than in other ways. Join us to get the guidance we need for you in this regard.

Review of Investment Conditions in Greece

The visa you get with the help of an investment in Greece is called a ‘Golden Visa’. Golden Visa gives you a 5-year residence permit in this country. For this purpose, you must bring a minimum of €250,000 in capital and spend it in your desired positions. The law has been in effect in Greece since 2013 and is similar in some ways to the amount invested in countries like Turkey. Of course, the first thought that comes to your mind is to invest in real estate in this country. This is the easiest way to invest and, of course, may not be very profitable for you.

You can think of setting up a business and innovating and starting your own business in the fields of energy, tourism, agriculture or other sectors that this country needs. One of the positive points of obtaining a Greek residence and passport in this way is to extend it to family members. You can bring your father, mother, wife and children with you at this time and live in the country for 5 years. You do not have the right to work during these five years and will be allowed to do so thereafter. There is also a type of investment called a “self-supporting scheme.” In this way, you only need to prove your finances and start living in the country with family members.

Highlights of the Cost of Investing in Greece

Investing in Greece requires paying a series of fees. These fees are not fixed and will vary depending on the activity you start in this country. Certain products or services in Greece have different fees, which we will discuss further below. Regardless of the type of investment, you will have to pay brokerage fees. Fees related to commissions, spreads, and other fees are among these and will include a series of additional fees when buying and selling goods or services.

Alongside that, we should also mention taxes, which are part of the cost of investing in Greece. The interest you receive on your investment includes taxes and must fill out the relevant form. The EU is very sensitive to taxes and will have problems with your business and even your residence if you do not pay. Taxes are usually levied on capital earnings, dividends you bought, and investment exemptions. You’ll have a series of fees when you buy a property. You usually have to pay the government ten percent of the actual promotion of your property. You can check the normal price of properties in this country and manage these fees.

In terms of investment costs, we can also refer to currency exchange costs that relate to foreign assets. Funds converted into other currencies include fees. Administrative fees will be included if you work in a mutual fund. Fees like these are set as an annual percentage and will be deposited to the Fund Administration. We also have fees for loading information that are typically applied when selling merchandise. You must also consider these fees for selling as well as shipping out of your warehouse.

A few Ways to Invest in Greece

There are several different ways to make a profitable investment in Greece. You’ve probably also thought about registering a company. As expected and similar to buying a property, you need €250,000 to register your company. You’re actually setting up a business and becoming an entrepreneur. Companies like this must have government approval and be fully proven beneficial to the country. You can think of areas that Greece is in dire need of. Greece allows the creation of companies that are in need and reduces the unemployment rate in the country.

So, you need to hire Greek people and get positive feedback from the government. This has made it possible for you to stay in the country and you can easily bring your family along. Entrepreneurship in Greece has also been very favorable and you can set up your own business. You can submit your design on one of your trips to this country and wait for it to be approved. Setting up restaurants, specialty workshops and even chain stores in this country is one of the most entrepreneurial schemes and you can get a passport with the help of it.

Buying bonds is also considered one of the available methods, but is it reasonable given the country’s specific economic circumstances? We know that Greece has faced numerous economic problems in the past. Although a large number of these problems have been solved and we are seeing a strong economy, it is still not possible to fully open a special account on this way of investing in Greece. Buying bonds for a debtor country like Greece is a risk and return on investment is never guaranteed in such circumstances. It’s best to think of other ways and have a better way to get your money back by buying a property or setting up a company.

Investment Visa Benefits in Greece

You will face a number of advantages as well as disadvantages by getting an investment visa in Greece. Capital has very few restrictions compared to other migration methods. With this type of stay, you are no longer required to be in the country and can even bring your family and children with you. You can bring your spouse with you with the help of an investment in Greece. These conditions usually do not apply in other countries. It is enough to live in this country for 7 years with these conditions and then apply for a Greek passport.

Of course, we also have a number of drawbacks that you should pay attention to. The country has a lower economic rate than other countries. As we said, investing in bonds can be high risk for you. When you invest in Greece, you are no longer allowed to work in Greece, and you can only be the CEO of your own business. There are a number of other limitations that you should have read before. We also have a series of investment standards that you should pay attention to. By these standards, you can also avoid the risk of confiscating property.

Greece has performed moderately on corruption control. This was not so good until 2016, but then more successes were achieved and the government was able to control the situation. You should also pay attention to a series of economic indicators to earn a Greek residency by investing. Banking rates in this country are close to 7% and this affects investment in Greece. This high rate reflects Greece’s inflation, which places it in a worse position than other EU member states. Greece has also grown in terms of GDP, and by the last few years, that number has been close to 30,000 units.

Immigrate to Greece by Investment

One way to make it easier for you to immigrate to Greece by investing is through a financial auction. You do not even need to be in Greece for this purpose, and you can avail this option if you spend 14 days of the year in Greece. You must use valid medical insurance and treatment in this country and provide a series of documents to prove your claims. From the documents required to do this, we can point out:

  • Private Property Lease
  • Iranian bank account information or international accounts
  • Provision of Employment Certificate with a Few Photo Pieces
  • Provision of a health certificate to the Greek Embassy in the country
  • Documents relating to lack of background and dependents
  • Submission of a legal bill or pension order with final legal bill
  • Certificate relating to a company’s shares where the amount of profit is fairly certain
  • Presentation of Iranian Passport
  • Proprietary Sanctions to Fulfill the Financial Stamp

By submitting these documents, which must have been translated and stamped with the stamp of the prosecutor and the State Department, you can be allowed to immigrate to Greece by investment through a financial transfer. You can talk to several counsellors and assess your credentials with them. In this case, you will have more ideal conditions to be in this country. Golden Institution specializing in immigration counseling.


In this article, we tried to explore different ways of investing in Greece and assess the possibility of being in the country. Among the available methods, you should pay attention to your skill and interest and provide the conditions for each of these types of investments. The best way to invest is to go to real estate and with only 250,000 euros you can make this kind of investment. You can count on setting up a company in this country and being an effective entrepreneur.

Note that you will have to wait 5 years and continue your investment to be able to apply for a Greek passport after almost 7 years. Greece residence by investment is suitable for people who have a financial austerity and want to make the best use of their money to get accommodation. Investing along with a return on investment in the coming years is the best way to get a passport and somehow, you will also increase your capital and have a good business in this country.

Read more

By investing in Greece, you can:

Simply stay in Greece. Investing can have multiple aspects that you are required to choose from depending on your circumstances. First, you need to define your business goals and then move on.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to invest in Greece?
Greece residence by investment method is granted after how many years?
Is it possible for a spouse, parents as well as children to be present in this way of receiving accommodation?
What is the most important feature of investing in Greece?